FundStudio, in 60 seconds...

Choose between our Cloud-based Platform or outsourced Managed Services, or a hybrid of the two.

A solution hedge funds CTAs asset managers family offices hedge funds can rely on.

For hedge fund managers, CTAs, asset managers and family offices, FundStudio’s real-time operations and reporting platform, forward-looking, multi-asset-class risk and portfolio management system and outsourced managed services provide complete knowledge of trading vehicle conditions -- and the tools to manage them.

Operations & Reporting

Trade & Order Capture

Capture orders and trades via realtime FIX, uploads, programmatic API or on-screen manual data entry.

Allocations & Compliance

Allocate orders to accounts, strategies and more. Apply compliance rules such as position limits or mandated asset-class restrictions, or complex programmatic rules such as leverage bias.

Cash Management

Manage all cash movements including trade settlements, margin, coupons and principal. Run cash projections and more.

Shadow NAV

Meet investor DDQ requirements by shadowing your fund administrator to produce NAV at the master-fund level as well as associated feeder funds or investor subscriptions.

Partnership Reporting

Define partnership structures such as onshore/offshore master/feeders and produce daily subscription NAV/GAV including management fees, incentive fees, high-water marks and more.

General Ledger

Post journal entries, produce a trial balance or income statement and more in local or base currency using a customizable, hierarchical chart of accounts.

Dealer Pricing

Streamline the dealer-quote process for valuations. Define distribution lists of who should price what. Automate price requests. Track and manage responses, outliers and aggregates with full audit trail.

Live Positions

Monitor positions in real-time at firm level or by account, strategy, trader or any user-field.

Real-time P&L

Run real-time intra-day P&L. Define multiple views of aggregate or sliced-and-diced data in real-time "pivot tables".

Security Master

Manage reference and pricing data for listed securities or OTC products. Maintain the security master via automated feeds from market-data vendors, or manual entry. Automate downstream portfolio activity such as applying corporate actions, multiple interest-accrual calculations, resets, maturities and more.

Multi-way Reconciliation

Perform automated reconciliations of cash balances and line items, positions and trades, and receive alerts of any breaks. Reconcile trades and positions independently with both prime-broker and fund administrator.

Report Writer

Create your own reports on the fly, including pivoting, Top-N, contributions, ROR, charts, custom formulas and more using any built-in or user-defined data and fields.

Collateral Management

Track margin money and ISDA counterparty exposure for collateral on repos and swaps.

and more...

Trades can be allocated to multiple funds or managed accounts, and custodied/cleared through multiple prime brokers/clearing brokers. Positions and P&L are maintained in local currency of each instrument and the base currency defined on each fund or managed account. FX translation P&L is computed daily.
FundStudio supports unlimited user-definable custom tags and fields. These can be used to store additional data (such as additional demographics on a security), or they can positional (for example creating a tag for "Strategy" or "Analyst" and reporting positions and P&L at these levels - useful for P&L attribution, drawdown reporting or similar).
Positions are held at the individual tax-lot level, with multiple lot-relieval methodologies available, including FIFO, LIFO, Max Gain, Intra-day high/low and others. Weighted-average cost basis is also supported.
Native support for a diverse set of asset classes is provided, including domestic and foreign equities, fixed income products from corporates to MBS to indexed asset-backed instruments, vanilla and exotic options, futures and more. Swaps include IRS, TRS, CDS, CDX, IOS and more.
Fund Studio is hosted in the cloud in certified, secure data-centers, with failover and disaster recovery capabilities. Access is logged, with IP-whitelisting available. User permissions can be defined at screen and field level.
FundStudio offers easy export to spreadsheet directly from the application's screens, as well as an integrated plug-in to Excel where portfolio data can be accessed seamlessly via custom formulas embedded in the spreadsheet.
FundStudio comes with a powerful Application Programming Interface (API), enabling seamless integration with your existing internal systems. Written for Microsoft .NET, the API communicates securely over the public internet to our data-centers and allows queries or updates to trades, orders, repos, security master information and more. Coverage is extensive, even to the point of providing control over setup items such as adding portfolios, accounts, strategies, users and more.

Risk Analytics

Fund Studio Klarity Risk is a multi-award-winning software platform that offers investors a comprehensive risk-based framework. Go beyond conventional risk management practices and embody a disciplined and advanced risk assessment process into the core of your decision-making.

Key Features

Risk Management

Gain a comprehensive risk exposure overview and conduct in-depth analyses of your portfolio’s risk performance. Access an extensive list of advanced risk metrics and view the impact of each risk factor on your total risk exposure. Implement Custom Stress-testing scenarios based on your unique insights.

Ex-Post & Ex-Ante Risk

Monitor Ex-Post and Ex-Ante Risk and Risk vs. Performance metrics and ensure that risk factors are appropriately captured in the portfolio exposure assessment.

Customizable Analytics

Apply Stress Test scenarios to your portfolio and view how it performs in adverse market conditions. Re-structure your investment strategy via What-If Analysis and test how amending the capital allocation affects the risk-adjusted performance.

Multi-Asset Class

Navigate between different level-views, drill down or group into risk and portfolio analysis by asset class, strategy, security or any other user field.

Fixed Income Attribution

Quantify the impact and sources of active management decisions on the portfolio’s performance via advanced Fixed Income Performance Attribution modeling.

Risk Limit Manager

Control your Risk Budgeting by utilizing the granular set of Risk Limits. Set Risk limits on a portfolio, strategy, sector or security level and get notified as soon as there is a breach to your levels of comfort.

Customized Reporting

Automate your reports generation, for the direct delivery of Regulatory, Investment Committee and Client risk reports and make a complete set of information instantly available for use.

Klarity Risk is a trusted partner of Fund Studio.

Middle-Office Managed Services

Our highly experienced managed services team can handle your daily operations, from transaction capture and trade settlement to portfolio reporting and more.

Transaction Capture & Processing

Process all trades on trade date (T+0). Capture non-trading transactions: fees, accruals and corporate actions.

Portfolio Pricing

Daily portfolio pricing according to Investment Manager’s valuation process and fund’s offering memorandum.


Trade, Position, and Cash reconciliation with prime brokers, custodians and counterparties available next morning (T+1).

End of Day Exports

Send trade and position files to prime brokers, custodians, counterparties and administrators.

Portfolio Reporting

Provide P&L, exposure and cash reports by portfolio, strategy, asset class or any other classification.

Report Distribution

Automated reporting packages for clients with the ability to create and customize reports.

Data Support for Regulatory Reporting

Using the ledger details we provide any type of data required for financial and regulatory reporting.

Why us?

Our managed services team, which includes former COOs and CFOs along with accounting and operations experts, will provide accurate and timely reporting with unparalleled clarity into portfolio management and investment processes to ease investors’ due diligence concerns and bolster their sense of security.
Reduce risk without any reduction in transparency and control of your operations by allowing our highly experienced managed services team to handle aspects of your daily operations.
  • Cost effectiveness versus hiring full time employees
  • Scale up or down immediately
  • Built-in business continuity as software and services are always available
  • Reduce operational risk with better controls and data integrity
  • Launch new strategies and trade new asset classes with ease

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